Dealer Loans

Capital Advance Loans for Dealerships can offer assistance to Dealerships that may need an influx of capital for a variety of reasons during their evolution as a business. Economic reasons, partnership adjustments, manufacturer requirements, and growing aspirations are just a few of the reasons you may need additional funds. Working Capital Bridge understands these demands and has hundreds of years of combined knowledge in the franchise automotive space to assist you with this challenge.

Capital Advance Loans for Dealerships are repaid with your F&I product sales. Using the well-known Compass line of F&I products from AGWS Inc. provides the pathway to easily repay an advance through product sales. Advances can also be repaid through non-AGWS products that are facilitated though our electronic rating portal.

  • Capital can be advanced in less than 26 days

  • Repayment of advance through F&I product sales

  • Low effective interest rates

  • Underwriting profit participation is available through dealer owned reinsurance

  • Dealers often renew advance at the end of their term

  • Legal in all 50 states